Saturday, 13 August 2016

Spicy Cashews | Spicy Cashews Indian Recipe.

In India snack like Spicy Cashews nuts or Spicy Kaju is very popular. You can make this spicy Cashew nuts in very few simple steps. This is a very quick recipe of Spicy Indian Cashews and need only 4 ingredients. You can have this delicious and crispy spicy Cashew nuts with cold drinks or alone and a tasty snack. You can also serve it to your guest as a welcome snack. It is very good dish if you want to store something for very long time. You can store it in a container for at least few weeks that is sure.
You can eat this Spicy Kaju to control your hunger just before the dinner or as a evening snack which is very good in calories. You you are looking for weight gaining recipe then this is a really very good snack. Cashews are very high in calories so you can make your body strong and healthy with this high calories Snack. Mostly Indian Snacks are light, but we Indian Likes to eat deep fried snack. So this is an interesting way of making Masala Kaju at home.

Ingredients for Spicy Cashews Indian Recipe.

500 Gms Cashew nuts.
2 tbsp crushed black pepper powder.
Salt to taste.
Oil for deep frying.

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